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Construction Begins on Lodge 29's new Road

If you had the chance to drive by the property between Lodge 29 and US-41 this week, you would have noticed some drastic changes to the landscape. What you are seeing is the first of 3 major improvements to our existing Lodge property. These changes are the result of 2 years of non-stop negotiation between President Mark Mitchell, the Lodge 29 Road Committee, and the Radiant Oil Corporation.

If anyone is interested, we will have a copy of the full project blueprint for your inspection at the next board and general meetings. Anyone who has any questions is encouraged to attend.

Only after our new roadway is finished will Lodge 29 turn over our rights to our existing easement. An easement that has been in existence since 1927.

But, in exchange for Lodge 29’s existing 10-foot road and easement from our property to US-41, we will receive the following:

1. Complete ownership of a section of property (.33 acre), from US-41 to our Lodge’s property.

2. A quality 24’ wide asphalt / concrete road from US-41 to our Lodge’s property.

3. A special construction requirement due to anticipated heavy truck traffic for the section at US-41.

4. All permits from Pasco Co, FDOT and SWFWMD for this job.

5. A new mailing address for Lodge 29.

6. Water and sewer lines installed and run beside the new road for future use.

7. A 24’ wide, 8” thick crushed asphalt road from the East end of the above road to the front of our Lodge. Approximately 430 feet in length.

8. A new concrete illuminated Lodge 29 sign on US-41 near our new road.

9. A 6’ high, DOT quality, chain link fence across the entire South side and part of the West property line.

As of last week, Lodge 29 was deeded the above piece of property approximately 40 feet wide and 345 feet long running from the west side of Lodge 29’s existing property, westward to the US-41 Right of Way. In the above document titled, Exhibit A, labeled as FOP Access Drive, our new property is at the top of the drawing.

During this phase of construction Lodge 29’s existing easement at the above sign on US-41, will not be changed in any way and we will continue to use it as before. Our unofficial dirt road leading to Bell Lake Road will be cut off sometime after the start of the construction.

The below photo is the silk fence line that is between Lodge 29’s existing property and the Radiant Oil Property. This fence surrounds the entire Radiant Oil construction site. At the present time construction is on hold until Pasco County comes out to inspect the silk fence.

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